Professor YH Liu started his medical education at Taipei medical University, where he completed his medical education and was later awarded Doctor of Medicine. He received his training in general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. He is currently head of division of thoracic Surgery in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. He has been director of esophageal cancer and lung transplant program. Dr. Liu is a nationally recognized pioneer in minimally-invasive thoracic and rigid bronchoscopic therapeutic procedure. He is one of the very few Taiwanese cardiothoracic surgeons who pioneered in the development of natural orifice surgery (NOS) in thoracic disease and is a nationally well known expert in NOS. His current research focused on the development of minimally invasive platform in thoracic surgery. Dr. Liu contributed many teaching videos and has more than 50 publications related to bronchoscopic and natural orifice surgery in indexed journals. He is also the secretary of the International Chinese Society of Thoracic surgery (ICSTS) and an active member of Taiwan association of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.